Gabriella Marie & Sonja Frances

You just never know what you're going to get when you enter a crazy world like this

Saturday, November 26, 2005

I now have a virtual presence

How I wish this virtual presence not to take the place of my REAL presence, confusing me to no end.


At 7:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wowee Zowee -
I am so impressed, Gabby! I just don't know if I have the courage to become a blogger like you. This virtual world is scary, but exciting too! I can see that you're meeting all of life's challenges with grace and aplomb. Say hi to your mom and your dad for me, and to all the little colorful critters who lie about and play with you as you enjoy your day!

At 6:50 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello, Gabriella.

We have several things in common, you and I. We share the same birth day (Dec. 13) and we share the love and presence of Sandy (a.k.a. "grammy") in our lives.

When grammy told me of your birth, and that we shared the same birth day, I felt something more powerful than coincidence.

Your grammy is a special person to me and to share my birth day with her first born grandchild whispers of something cosmic and larger than ourselves.

I feel a connection to you, sweet child. We are not lonely islands floating on a sea. We are the sea. To know that is to never know loneliness.

Happy birth day, Gabby. You've made mine even more special.



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