Gabriella Marie & Sonja Frances

You just never know what you're going to get when you enter a crazy world like this

Friday, July 04, 2008

Audio Tour

i.Union Terminal - talking along the dome

ii-iii-iv.Various parts of the Union Terminal Museum Center.

v.Wind and a beer bottle at the beach near my house

vi-vii-viii.Lopez Island - S&S Homestead Farms. A Biodynamic farm were I did a three day workshop. The first thing we witnessed was the slaughtering of 4 cows. They had some sense of what was happening for sure.

ix-x. Orcas Island - Doe Bay ..... the last one is a beautiful conversation between three birds. If anybody(Brian) is familiar with the call I would love to know the bird species.

I will post photos soon.

I hope everyone is well.


At 5:04 PM, Blogger Brian C. Kenney said...

Swainson's Thrush. Amazing.


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